Device Friendly Designs
We have got 3-7 seconds to impress enough the recipient to make him read the whole email. If we fail to do so, the reader will end up ignoring the email or worse, deleting the email. The design/look of the email creates the first impression to the reader, hence we better make the design look good and compatible to most every possible device the user might open it in.
More than 50% of emails are now opened on Mobile devices
Statistics show that 97% of all email interactions happen on the device in which the email was first opened.
The Rule: 20/40/80
The rule stats that the three important parts of an email that makes the reader read the email can affects the email performance.
Following is considered as the high performaning set for the trio.
Sender Detail: 20 Characters
Subject Line: 40 Characters
Intro-Text: 80 Characters
Dynamic/Personalised Content, Predictive content
Personalised email conatent make the reader ‘valued’ and ‘cared’. Its good to include salutations, names, applicable instances etc to make email personalised. This helps in following:
Improves Email Performance
Increases users’ engagement and Conversions
Prevents Unsubscribes
There are a lot of such best practises to make sure that the email marketing that your organization is investing pays off. Here are a ew of such to-dos that may help:
Use Shared items for re-usable content: Helps in achieving effective designing standards
Use Forward-to-friend to allow recipient to forward the email: Helps tracking forwards and hence can generate new leads.
Create a Plain Text version of your email as well: Helps in email deliverability where HTML emails are blocked.
Email marketing has been an essential part of digital marketing book. Good habits always pay off, similarly if we want to achieve high email performance, open rates, clik-through rates and conversion rates, we should be applying best practices within our efforts.
Hopefully the above mentioned helped and if you want to get more, please write to me at or visit
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