Firefox security restricts Pardot forms

I was never a fan of Mozilla Firefox for web browsing. But its new features like Pocket made me start considering Firefox for some activities. Regular updates on its look and feel to make UX better also helped. I was just entering the zone where I compare Chrome and Firefox. And then one day, I had to suddenly drop Firefox from the list.

Firefox blocks important things

I was working on a Pardot implementation for a client when I found out about a Security update in Firefox. As per the new security updates, all third party things on the website will be blocked even if they are SSL certified. Third party components can be external scripts, iframes, SDKs etc.. Now this Security thing, for sure, makes Browsing secure and keeps you safe but as a web-developer and digital marketing expert I will say that is not at all a good thing.
As per Firefox, if you are creating a web page, you should use all the assets that are hosted on the same server/domain. This can make your website heavy and prone to issues due to heavy input-output transactions on all the scripts. Anything that is referring to an external asset will be blocked whether it is:

  • an advertisement image,
  • Facebook plugin to display the comments,
  • an iframe to display content from another website,
  • Google Analytics tracking script, or
  • a lead capturing form.

Yes, also a Lead Capturing form present in an iframe or one that sends data to an external site. Pardot forms are implemented on websites in iframes, which in the case of Firefox will not be working.

Impact and Solution

Let’s take a different view, according to analysis Browser market share, ~13% of web traffic comes from Firefox. In other words, 13% of potential customers will not even see a form on your website. The idea of this loss of potential customers and tracking data forces you to think of the workarounds to minimize the impact.
There are a couple of solutions to this:

  1. Replace the original content with other content. This will make sure that the user does not see any weird behavior on the webpage.
  2. Show the user a popup to saying ‘For the best experience, turn off Tracking security in your browser”.

we will discuss more on these solutions in my next blog. Stay tunes.
— SG
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